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How To Make Life Changing Decisions, God's Way

How To Make Life Changing Decisions, God's Way, Christian Blogger, Forever 21 Earrings

Every day we have to make decisions. What we wear, how we spend our time, and what we eat, are just a few choices that we are faced with making on a consistent basis. Sometimes the decisions are no brainers, like the ones mentioned above, but others come with consequences that make us break out in a sweat.

As Christians, our overall direction in life is determined by our commitment to God, and we must remember to ask Him to direct our lives. In the small things and in the big things. But does God actually direct us like He did with those in the Old Testament? Does He still grant us His wisdom?

Take a look at my little testimony...

Recently, I was faced with one of the hardest choices ever. I was given an opportunity to grow my business, Sunday Morning Marketing, and take a big risk. Meanwhile, I liked the way my business was going. It was steady, comfortable, and it wasn't very challenging. I was on autopilot with most of my clients. This new opportunity had incredible benefits, but would also come with a lot of sleepless nights, being uncomfortable, and lots of unknown factors. It would challenge me. It would push me. And I didn't know if I wanted to go that route, when everything was fine as is.

I made a pros and cons list. I asked multiple people that I trusted for their advice. I sought the Lord on my knees. I stayed up late at night playing through different scenarios in my head.

Still... I felt completely confused...

The prophet Jeremiah prayed a prayer in the Old Testament asking God for guidance, and it's still a good prayer for us to pray today.

I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I would die.

Though I prayed that prayer and wrapped that verse around my mind, I was continuing to wrestle with myself. I had a deadline to make this choice by, too. And with each hour that passed by, the sicker I got. I felt so stuck and puzzled.

My husband, Ron and I stayed up on the last night that I had to make this choice. Then I just ripped off the bandaid and made the decision. I told him I was just going to stay where I was comfortable and not take the leap. I didn't feel peace about it and I felt no pressure staying where I was currently with my business. I went to sleep.

This is where it gets good...

In the morning, I wrote my email rejecting the particular offer, but I didn't send it. I stared at it, prayed, and then just yelled out loud "God, SPEAK." Then I turned around, opened to a random page in a nearby devotional... and this is what I read.

Let me explain...

This random page that I turned to in the book was all about decision making. Abraham tasked Lot with deciding on a land to have. He looked out and one land was green and beautiful. The other was a desert. He relied on his five senses. He relied on what looked the most comfortable and feasible. He relied on what felt best!!!!

That decision winded up being the worst possible decision that Lot could have made. It was near a horrible city filled with sin and he paid a big price for his choice. Just because something looks awesome, doesn't mean it is the right thing for you.

Abraham was given the desert land. It was barren. If he had relied on his five senses like Lot had, he would have been incredibly miserable and depressed. Yet, he saw the big picture and trusted in what God was going to do. That is where God blessed Abraham. In the midst of him being uncomfortable and confused.

All of that to say...

I changed my email pretty quick. I was hit with the truth. If I wanted to grow and if I wanted God's best, I couldn't stay where it was easy. I needed to be pushed deeper into reliance and trust on Him. I needed to take a calculated risk and know in my heart that God would provide.

So that's what I did. I chose the option that was more difficult because that's the one that gave me peace, not in my flesh, but in my spirit.

If you are faced with making a big decision, my advice would be this:

Don't always go with what's easiest or what feels best. Get on your knees and pray that you are fully lead by the Holy Spirit to make the decision that He wants you to make. Not the decision that your heart wants you to make.

Since you are in Christ, God is going to use everything that happens to you for your good. That's your seal. God’s Word also tells us that we can trust in His sovereignty above all...Having our minds bathed in God’s Word can help us come to our conclusion as well... “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”

We can always make wise decisions, but God is better than anything we can get out of those decisions. He is leading us as we pursue this wisdom through Christ. I pray that he makes you wise on this journey, but that He also makes you someone that wants Him more than anything else in the world.


Jonni Nicole Parsons

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After ten years of walking with the Lord, I am committed to assisting young women in developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Through free devotions, podcasts, speaking engagements, resources, online Bible studies, and published books, my mission is to engage young Christians in a Word-grounded, Gospel-driven, God-glorifying way.


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