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25 Questions To Ask Your Guy On Date Night

25 Questions To Ask Your Guy On Date Night

Each time Ron and I go on a date, we always prepare a few questions to ask each other. It keeps dinner fun and exciting, and we always wind up learning something new. Guys sometimes have a hard time communicating anyway- so when I am creative with my questions, there is never a moment of silence and it makes for a good time.

No matter the situation, these questions are sure to be a powerful way for you to connect with your S/O. Have fun!

The Questions!!!!

What are 5 random facts about yourself?

What makes you feel most alive?

What’s one of your guilty pleasures?

What is one risk you think God might be calling you take in this season?

What’s your favorite way to spend the weekend?

What is a moment in your life where you knew God was so real?

What is the best thing that has happened in the past month?

What’s your favorite season and why?

When you come home from work, what is the best way I can make you feel appreciated?

What’s your love language?

What gives you the most hope for the future?

What’s a new hobby you’d like to try?

What’s the worst/best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

What’s a time or a rough situation that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

Who is one person you wish you were closer with?

What is one of your career goals that you want to tackle in the next 10 years?

What is one crazy big, God-sized dream you have?

What’s your all-time favorite song and movie?

What are the top 4 vacation places you want to go to?

What is your biggest fear?

What is your best memory of our dating years?

What is one bad habit you need to break but you don’t want to?

What was your favorite family tradition growing up?

Who is someone that inspires you to be a greater man?

What items on your bucket list `are you most looking forward to doing?


The goal of these questions is to help create depth in your conversations and get you out of the “doing stuff mode” and into “being together mode.” It sucks getting stuck in the small talk of How was your day? What did you eat for lunch? Did you hit any traffic? It really is so easy to get in the habit of sitting semi-silent at the dinner table, scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, or just watching a movie. Neither of these date situations are necessarily bad, but should never become the norm.

“Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

1 Corinthians 13:7

Don’t you want a relationship where you can say... I choose to pursue you, I choose to remain with you, No matter what I learn about you, on the good days and the bad, I’m not going anywhere? The only way you can get a relationship like this is if you work for a relationship like this. Ask the questions. Constantly choose to really see how they are doing, really, and learn about them as much as possible. Never, ever get tired of it.


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