I sat in the back pew of chapel while our chaplain began to preach one of the most moving messages I had ever heard at my college. Most of the time, a majority of the students are distracted by their phones or by conversations with their friends, but this time, all eyes were locked in on the pulpit.
The message was called "A Father to the Fatherless."
Our chaplain pointed out how often young girls are insecure and confused on what love is because their earthly father was absent or just didn't show much interest in their lives. He emphasized how broken our world is because so many men have fallen short of this title that they should feel honored to have.
Soccer star athletes, the popular crowd, and even the commuters all began to cry. Professors and other elders at our chapel began to go up to each one and pray for them before they left. I couldn't hold back my own emotions. My own personal story got me choked up. Every word that was being said felt like it was directly for my situation. What cut me even more to my core was the fact that this was an experience that wasn't foreign to most of my sisters in Christ.
My heart was shattered.
It bothered me that many girls are so broken by the man that was supposed to protect their heart.
I seriously just wanted to press pause and hug every single one of the girls that had been crying, but I couldn't move. I stayed in the back and prayed for a supernatural understanding of our Heavenly Father. And that His presence would be enough for me, and enough for all of those girls that also were clearly suffering and longing for a father.
I still need to press into the Word often in order to remember that God is completely different than my earthly dad, but this is what I have learned so far and I'm hoping it can encourage you too.
God Is Consistent
Some of you may have a dad with unpredictable behavior. One day he may be in a great mood, the next day he may not want anything to do with you. Yet, the Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does change or cast a shifting shadow. He is not prone to mood swings.
God Is The Perfect Teacher
You may have not had a father who ever helped you with homework or taught you anything in this life, but God can and will. Though we are just mere creatures, God bends down to hear our every need and then promises to put His Holy Spirit in us to guide us. It doesn't matter if you didn't have any influences growing up- His Spirit will teach you everything you need to know. He is full of wisdom and wants to impart so much of it to you through His Holy Spirit.
God Doesn't Give Up On Us
Some dads can be horrible at forgiveness. Whenever their child messes up, they will stick them in a penalty box and wait a few days to give them a call. God constantly has His arms wide open waiting for His children. He is in constant watch for our return in repentance.
God Is The Perfect Protector
God is the ultimate man of the home. He gives us His promise in Romans 8:28 that in all things, He works for the good of His children. He fights for us while we silently wait (Exodus 14:14) and He declares that if He is for us then no one can be against us.
Isn't that amazing? If you didn't have a father who shielded you from the sinfulness of this world, don't you worry. You have a Heavenly Father who covers you, carries you, and sustains you.
God Is So Stinkin' Proud Of You
Do you know that God actually looks at you and smiles? Do you know that He not only smiles, but that He rejoices over you with singing? Do you know that He throws a party with His angels each time you make your way back to Him and get closer to Holiness? Believe it! God is proud of you because Jesus covers you!
God wants to be your Father and restore your brokenness. Press into these truths and let Him.